Pietro Querzola, Stefano Ciannamea, Giovanni Pagani, Giulio Testa, Maria Isabella Pozzi

Pietro Querzola

Stefano Ciannamea
The fifth work package aims to design and adapt non-invasive sensing technologies for monitoring Phytophthora infestans and Plasmopara viticola disease incidence and assessing the performance of the new generation of pesticides under lab and field conditions.
The leader of this work package is UDLR with UniMi and SIPCAM OXON S.p.A. as partners.
The work package is divided in 3 tasks:
Task 5.1: Design and apply existing new phenotyping tools to assess the bioactivity of new pesticides at lab level.
Task 5.2: Adapt and apply new non-invasive sensing technologies for monitoring disease incidence under field conditions.
Task 5.3: Mapping and Variable Rate Application (VRA) of new pesticides in commercial crops.
The sixth work package aims to validate peptide aptamer efficacy in vitro through selection of peptide aptamers that inhibition pathogen growth.
The leader of this work package is UniMi with SIPCAM OXON S.p.A., KTH and UDLR as partners.
The work package is divided in 3 tasks:
Task 6.1: Biological activity of aptamers: in vitro assay on pathogens growing on synthetic media and leaves.
Task 6.2: Intracellular targets and cell-penetrating peptides.
Task 6.3: Microscopy analysis to investigate the effects of aptamers on pathogen cell wall.
The seventh work package aims to select peptidomimetics and non-peptide small molecules for pathogen control through the analysis of their biological activity, specificity and toxicity.
The leader of this work package is UniMi with UPSud, SIPCAM OXON S.p.A., and UDLR as partners.
The work package is divided in 2 tasks:
Task 7.1: Bioactivity of peptidomimetics and non-peptide small molecules.
Task 7.2: Specificity and Toxicity.
The eighth work package aims to validate the bioactivity of peptidomimetics and non-peptide small molecules in industrially relevant environments through the study of feasibility, delivery, economic, environmental and societal impact.
The leader of this work package is SIPCAM OXON S.p.A. with UniMi, BIU and UDLR as partners.
The work package is divided in 3 tasks:
Task 8.1: Feasibility and delivery system optimization of peptidomimetics and non-peptide small molecules.
Task 8.2: Biological activity of the best performing peptidomimetic candidates and non-peptide small molecules: in vivo assay on potted plants and other species and on open-field cultivated plants.
Task 8.3. Economic, environmental and societal impact of new pesticides: cost-benefit analysis.